Our guest on this episode of the Business and BBQ Podcast is a podcasting all-star, John Lee Dumas. After being a very successful businessman, John realized that while he was making good money, he was having to pay so much of it back in taxes and expend more time and energy into his work than he wanted to. In an effort to find his passion, John decided to learn from people who have passion, through their books and podcasts, and in the midst of this exploration, he found that he loved the podcast medium. In the past 4 years, John moved his life to Puerto Rico, where is has found the financial and lifestyle freedom that he had always been looking for.

His podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire, is a daily show in which John interviews some of the biggest and brightest entrepreneurs and thought leaders. He is able to record these episodes from wherever he is, which allows him the opportunity to travel extensively and still keep his revenue pouring in. In fact, for the past 71 months, he has made at least $100,000 per month, and he is very open about sharing his tips for other entrepreneurs who are looking for financial freedom. Too many people are married to their business, he says, and they should follow his example of divorcing the business but still remaining friends. John decided that self-care is more important to him than “success”, and he has found a way to strike the balance between working enough to fulfill his needs while still being able to dictate his own schedule.
The main thing that helps him keep this perspective is being aware of the fact that he is going to die someday. He recommends that everyone accept this as an absolute fact and consider how they should live their lives in a way that they will not regret on their deathbed. He created the passion and talent rating system that Tim described a few weeks ago on the podcast, which establishes that while your passion for a topic might be capped, your talent can always be developed to support that passion.
REI Masterminds: https://www.reimasterminds.com/
Audible trial promotional link: http://www.audibletrial.com/th
HubSpot promotional link: http://www.hubspot.com/th
Connect with John:
Connect with Tim:
With business questions: ask@timherriage.com
With BBQ questions: bbq@timherriage.com

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[…] free trial and claim your one free audio book. So last week if you listened to the conversation I had with John Lee Dumas and titled You are going to die, I did something on accident at the beginning of the […]