On this episode of the Business and BBQ Podcast, Tim discusses the power of positive thinking and simple mindset shifts that can change the direction of your personal and professional ventures. In the past, Tim has struggled with motivation and being easily swayed or discouraged by others, so when an ad for a Dean Graziozi and Tony Robbins Mastermind course crossed his path at just the right time, he decided to give it a shot.
Going through this course in recent weeks has made Tim realize some of the negativity that he has been letting into his mind and the necessity of diving more deeply into this idea of positive thinking. Once he is finished with this course, he plans to create a Mastermind about creating wealth through real estate investing focused on rental properties. The main ideas that Tim wants to share in this Mastermind are making beneficial changes to your environment, business relationships, and personal relationships, adding a filter to your decision-making process that helps you determine if this thing adds to your ROI, and choosing to not let problems dictate your life. By focusing on the task at hand and giving your full attention to being there, you are already well on your way.
Tim’s 3 main takeaways from the course have been:
- Have a positive attitude – If you are struggling to keep things in perspective, take a trip to a foreign country and see the poverty and difficulties facing families there.
- Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be – Take inventory of your current associates and see if they are strengthening you or bringing you down.
- Commit some time to being unplugged every week – Everyone needs to be “rebooted” every once in a while, taking the time needed to get back to a simpler life and kill negativity.
As a practical application of these takeaways, Tim organized a Meat and Eat on Thursday, May 9th, at Heim Barbecue which was intended to help people have a positive attitude, surround themselves with like-minded and aspirational people, and unplug. If you want to join a community like this and be made aware of future Meet and Eat opportunities, join the Business and BBQ Facebook group!
Audible trial promotional link: https://www.audibletrial.com/th
HubSpot promotional link: https://www.hubspot.com/th
Mastermind: https://mastermind.com
Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast: https://www.eofire.com/podcast/
Connect with Tim:
With business questions: ask@timherriage.com
With BBQ questions: bbq@timherriage.com
You’re listening to the business and barbecue podcast hosted by Tim Heritage. Tim Heritage is an active entrepreneur who built and sold six companies but the age of 40 and enjoys sharing the ups and downs of business, an entrepreneur life as for the barbecue, that’s just something he has a passion for and likes to share as well. Here’s your host Tim heritage.
I’ll rattle rod. What’s cooking? Everybody? Tim Harris here with another episode of the business and Barbecue podcasts. Today we’re going to talk about matters of the mind. Now, I’m not a psychologist. I’m someone who has struggled with being properly motivated at times. I’m someone who has let other people’s negativity bring me down when I’m at my best is when I’m positive, energetic and spreading enthusiasm. Or recently bought a course from Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins. Now I’m not much of one to participate in product launches or infomercial type sales. So right now I’m three or four days into this and it’s been one of the best courses I’ve ever taken. It starts off talking about your mindset. There’s just a lot of things that I needed to hear again that I already knew, but I needed to hear him against. So far it’s been good. I couldn’t wait to share it with you, so stick around. We’re going to talk about matters of the mind from my experience in the Marine Corps, my most recent experience with this online course and from 20 years of trial and error as an entrepreneur, stick around. We’ll be right back. Today’s show is brought to you by audible. Audible is offering our listeners a free audiobook with a 30 day trial membership. Just go to audible, trial.com/t h and browse the unmatched selection of audio programs. Download a free title and start listening. It’s that easy. Go to audible trial.com/t h to get started today.
Welcome back. So today I want to talk about mindset, and this isn’t one of those mindset things where I tell you, you, oh, you can do anything you want to do. This is more mindset about what you allow into your mind and what your preconceived notions are. Recently, I bought a Tony Robbins and dean Graziosi course about creating masterminds and the course really has done a good job. It’s always interesting when you can get someone like me to spend 10 minutes doing anything much less hours upon hours doing something. I think it’s a good indicator. So I found the chorus from John Lee Dumas, the host of entrepreneurs on fire podcast, which is probably my favorite podcast out there right now. I listened to it every day. He interviews different entrepreneurs every day, highly recommend you check it out as websites, EO fire.com so he had Russell Brunson, the founder of clickfunnels on his podcast, and then he had dean Graziosi and then he had Tony Robbins and I thought it fair to say I’m just not a big Dean Graziosi Fan.
I wasn’t before this week and I really wasn’t that big of a Tony Robbins Fan. It’s kind of funny. Tony Robbins said this, and of course already I’m just not much of an infomercial kind of guy. I don’t like product sales. I don’t like scarcity. I like abundance. And it was interesting that I signed up for the live webcast about masterminds and I knew that they were going to offer something, but I’m in this interesting point in my life where I’ve sold a couple of companies and I’m really just trying to figure out what’s next for me and I’ve always enjoyed mastermind. When you go back in my history, the thing I love the most about being a homevestors franchise, he was the network. The thing that I loved the most was being involved with the other franchisees at meetings. I love the most, the camaraderie. I like the competition.
It was all really invigorating for me. I didn’t like to fees and stuff like that and so we won’t talk about that. Then I started the rei expo, the rei expo. Very interesting thing. The whole reason I started it was I missed the home vestors annual convention in missing the home. Vestors annual convention was all about hanging out with people, networking, etc. So fast forward the expo and it became this. I fed off the energy at the event. I fed off the camaraderie. I picked up little tidbits and things that made my real estate investing business better and so when I sold the expo and I was really busy with B, Two r had a lot going on and now I’m in this place where this time two years ago I had 20 something employees running around and now I’m in this place where you’re running.
Now I’m recording this episode from my new Home Office swollen to temporary Home Office while we add a second story to actually do a really nice home office and it’s just been funny. I’ve been looking for something that would resonate with me as something I could be passionate about. Dave Ramsey said that the magic is finding it when it’s one thing to have talent, something right. I have a lot of talent at buying houses. It’s another thing I believe to have a passion for something. So for me, the talents great, but it’s the passion that I was lacking and running those bigger companies because I just don’t have a passion for it. I don’t have a passion for showing up at an office and telling people what to do. That’s just, that’s not what I want to do. So I’ve really been looking for kind of that passion, that purpose.
I always liked helping people. I always like networking with people and so I was on this live webcast last week. Tony and dean had this mastermind. It’s like mastermind.com check it out. Well there were selling this course and I took the plunge, I bought it and it really has already number one, I’m now a fan of Dean Graziosi, number two. I’m now a fan of Tony Robbins. Number three. There’s a big lesson in there to be learned about having closing your mind off based off of the way of something appears and not giving it a chance. But anyway, I digress. The whole thing is about the self education industry and how we as a society now are moving towards self education. And I resonate with that because if you don’t know, I mean I don’t have a college degree. I graduated high school out of summer school because I had an attendance issue and you know, I went to the Marine Corps out of necessity, not desire.
And so I found it funny that Tony and dean stories are very much the same as mine, and I think I’d written them off because probably a bad experience I had with someone else’s course. And because that’s, if you’ve ever heard of my story, the way I got into real estate is I watched a late night infomercial and I bought a box of books and tapes and they came there and I opened a box and it was all confusing. I never listened to anything I’ve shoved in the door. But from that experience, what happened is I went, started going to local networking groups in real estate investing clubs, and those real estate investing clubs changed my life. So I think I am a great example of self education. Now, I’ve done a lot of things wrong. I’ve done a lot of things right and I have learned by trial and error.
But that’s the beautiful thing. You know, when you’re just reading a book or just watching this video or just listening to this podcast, you’re limited to one person’s opinion. You’re limited to one person’s point of view. You’re limited to impact of negativity. It happens all the time. I like to solve the world’s problems. So a lot of times I end up talking with people that may not have everything together. They may not be doing good business. And it’s funny for me that I ended up kind of going down that negative slope with them. So for me, this mastermind thing just came at the right time. So I bought the course and the first module is Tony Robbins talking about mindset. And here comes that negative attitude again, right? I just start listening to the audio and it’s all you got to get your mind right. And I swear all of a sudden I start checking out, well this was on Saturday this week and my wife got up and took my son out to Canton first Monday.
It’s a big flea market in east Texas that’s only open first Monday. And my oldest son had some things to do. So I found myself sitting at home on a beautiful day at 11 o’clock with nothing to do. So I sat out on the back porch. I said, I’m going to give this guy a chance and I start listening to the Tony Robbins stuff and when you go through the peaks and valleys of being an entrepreneur, of being a real estate investor, being a parent, sometimes I don’t think we realize how much negative junk we let into our minds. Sometimes I just think that it gets out of control, but not out of control like we’re running around doing bad things. It’s just, it’s, it’s a progression. It’s one step at a time and before you know it, you’re actually believing things aren’t possible. You’re actually believing that things will never work out and you’re believing that the businesses failed.
You’re believing things that probably shouldn’t be in your mind if you’re going to be running a business or parenting. It was interesting. It’s been a really fun experience so far with this course. I’m about halfway through it. I’m blowing through it. I’ve found what I want to share, and if you’re actually listening to this, we’re going to be making a mastermind available soon and it’s going to be different than any mastermind you’ve ever been to. It’s going to be a different than any mastermind that I’ve ever been apart of that it’s going to be for investors by investors and it’s going to be focused on rental properties, not going to be focused on fixing flip. It’s not going to be focused on wholesaling. It’s going to be focused on creating wealth through real estate because as I sit here today, I’ve made millions and you know, I like to hear a lot of people in a wholesale network come about how much they did.
We did over a million last year in wholesale. We did over 1,000,003 the year before and wholesale this year. I think we’re at three 5,400 already and we’re about to hit the fast, busy part of the season, but that’s just a dealer business. It’s you, you’re in, you’re out, you’re in, you’re out. You got to find another widget. You’re in, you’re out, you’ve got to fund another widget. If they have one from our rental property, I, I’d get off the way out of this business, real estate investing business, but my rentals excite me. You know, I bought a rental this week and man, I love that house. It’s worth 240,000 I bought it for 160 probably gonna spend 20 grand on it and it’ll rent for 2100 bucks a month. It’s a great property. So rentals is where it’s at for me. So we’re going to create two or three different masterminds.
One mastermind is going to be for less than 10 people that own less than 10 houses and the other’s going to be for 10 to a hundred and we may even create a hundred plus. But the point is there is nearly 15 million single family rental structures in the United States, occupied by nearly 50 million people. All estimates are that there are more than 5 million landlords and the United States, there’s estimated to be less than 50,000 active house flippers, whereas there’s only 30,000 flippers. So I think there’s a lot more people that are interested in the rental stuff, but I’m not here to talk about the basketball. So we’re going to start a mastermind for rental for landlords. We’re going to help make their portfolio bigger and better. That’s the whole purpose behind the mastermind where I start. But I want to just talk to you about mindset. It’s just amazing how much my life has changed since I got rid of the negative influence.
And I’m not even talking about people, I’m talking about environment. I’m talking about going to an office in traffic that I can’t stand. I’m talking about some people, I’m talking about some businesses, the businesses that we’re always taking from me and not giving back. So I think as you’re listening to this, as you’re watching this, I just encourage you to take a quick inventory of your life. And what are the things that you’re doing that aren’t creating value in your life? And I don’t even mean money. I mean, are there things you’re doing out of repetition or habit that don’t provide value to you or your family or your why? You know, in his course there was a grading scale. It said something like, have your value and your return. So if you’re talking about recording a podcast, right? How does it fit your values?
Right? So I’m really passionate about helping other people because like I always say, I came from nothing and I like to help other people kind of achieve that American dream. It’s something I’m enjoy. So, right. So on a one to five that’d be a five a podcast, cause I feel like I’m helping people. The next one to five is how much money does it make you will right now podcasting would be, oh, probably a minus three because we’re not making money, we’re spending money, but we’re spending money and I believe that it’s going to provide an ROI down the road. So the whole point is you’ll find there’s a lot of things you’re doing right now that you either need to outsource, delegate, or just eliminate all together. And that’s what I’ve found. And I even had a conversation with one of my business partners this morning that I said, yeah, I’m making two to $3,000 a month cashflow.
And Yeah, it’s nice, but it’s a headache and I’m spending three to five hours a week on this business and it’s just not worth it because it’s, it also doesn’t fulfill my passion. It’s a business I’m in only because of the financial upside. It’s not a business I’m in because I’m passionate about it. It’s not a business I’m in because I care about it. It’s a business I’m in just for cash and I don’t like it anymore. So I’m actually in the process of trying to sell that one too, because for me, and it’s doing great, I mean like all the numbers are like that, right? Everything is going up. But we were in the 14th month of operation and I mean it stolen off 10 $20,000 a month on different months and it’s great. But there’s overhead, there’s expense, there’s headache, there’s thought around it.
And then there’s negativity. I mean, I started my day off at eight at eight 30 calling her to let her know I was unhappy. And for me that didn’t put me in a bad mood. And then I started complaining to my wife and she’s like, shut up. Well, she didn’t say shut up, but I don’t know. I mean, I think that a lot could be said about what we do, what we allow into our mind, what we allow into our days. So I’m trying this format out. Next week we’re going to have Jeff Tennyson on. Jeff is the CEO of Lima one capital. Jeff is more importantly an entrepreneur. Jeff has been involved in billions of dollars in real estate transactions. Jeff has been involved in large companies sales and I always give him his credit. He’s the person that showed me you can be a good person in life and successful in business is a really great guy.
I can’t wait to bring him on. But yeah, I think in the Marine Corps we always said mind over matter, if you don’t mind, that don’t mind. And I think that rings really true. Her business and it rings really true for when you have problems because problems are inevitable. They’re going to happen. And I think it’s important that you deal with right and you don’t let them drag your mindset down because it’s when you let problems dictate your life. That’s when I’ve had failure in my businesses. That’s when I’ve had failure in my personal life. That’s when I’ve failed as a father. My youngest son yesterday at Jujitsu was clowning around and got in trouble by the coach and I walk in and when I’m there, right as all walk in, my kids in front of the whole group crying and apologizing to the entire Jujitsu team.
Well, the ask him afterwards, I said, what was going on? He said, I was clowning around so he was being disrespectful to the coach. He was clowning around the didn’t like it. So the coach punished him and he had to do a bunch of burpees and stuff. And so it’s interesting though. I talked to him about focus. I’ll talk to him about, as Maya said, you know, you’ve got to get your mind right when you go to Jujitsu, you’re there for Jujitsu, you’re not there for playing with your friends. And I think part of mindset is being where we’re at and not it being like fully there. You know, I, I touched my wife before this episode. I said, look, I’m going on airplane mode. I’m about to record a podcast and I do that because I need to be able to focus, right? I can’t have my phone going off. I can’t have my computer making a bunch of noise. You’ve gotta be able to focus. I’ll say this to me. There’s three things and we’re going to talk about those three things or right after,
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you’ve got to have a positive attitude no matter what I’m telling you. I have been in countries where people were starving. I have seen death. I have seen the young man that was willing to be shot at to get a cracker from me in Indonesia so he could feed it to assist, right? So whatever you’re going through, I’m here to tell you, fuck it up. I mean it could be a lot worse. Now, I’m not saying that we don’t have problems, but let your problems got no fine God, fun, religion, fun meditation, find something. But what you can’t do is sit around and mope for yourself, right? And I’m just telling you, if you’re struggling with depression or sadness longer than a week or two, go to a foreign country. Go to Africa, go to Indonesia, go to South America and look at how those people live and it’ll really help you out.
So positive attitude. Walk around with a smile on your face. Be Nice to people. It’s all it takes in this world. Be Nice to people. The second thing is surround yourself with people that are where you want to go. They say that you’re the sum of the five people you hang around the most. So take inventory, look around. Who are you hanging around or are you hanging around a bunch of millionaires or a bunch of hundred errors? Because if you’re hanging around a bunch of people that have less money than you, you can almost guarantee that you will regress to their level. Now, I’m not saying that you can go hang out with a billionaire, but find someone that at least has the same goals as you do this year, right? Find someone that is pushing themselves. Someone is learning in, immerse yourself in education, immerse yourself in a positive environment of people that are more successful or just as successful as you, other people that are driven.
And you’ll find that your results change rather drastic. It’s been pretty interesting for me. And the last thing about mindset is I heard on a TV show or something the other day, they said people are like phones and computers. They need to be rebooted every now and then. Imagine that rings so true for me in this modern day society where I got the new apple excess, right? And everybody loves the apple x, US and, but man, I mean it’s amazing how many people they want to like let you, they default to where it gives you all these notifications, notifications, notifications and it’s like, oh my gosh, it’s just too much. So I mean look, I just held that up there and I’m like the only two notifications on here, or actually an email from my wife, she gets VIP treatment obviously and a Twitter notification about something Joel Olsteen posted because I liked Joel.
If you get any negative notifications on your phone, like kill it now beat up for me. Joel’s always tweeting something positive and I love that positivity just sprinkled into me throughout the day. I mean, what does this one, this one is don’t discount the small things. It may seem small, but God knows how to multiply. Be inspired by this message from Joe. I like those notifications throughout the day. Just go right back to number one, right? So, but you’ve got on plug. Even those nose, you find a day every week, find a night every week where you’re unplugged, where you chill out, where you do something that brings you joy. I mean, right out here behind me, I drive a tractor back there. It makes me feel, it’s just something I unplugged from our turn the phone off. I leave it with my wife. You got unplugged.
So like in recharge, right? That’s the thing. Cause it’s hard to have a positive attitude if you’re not sleeping and if you’re beat down. So my three things, and, and Olivia, this I’m almost out of time, is have a positive attitude. Surround yourself with likeminded, positive people, people that are going somewhere and preferably going the same place you are. Last but not least, you got to take a minute for the good stuff, right? You’ve got to take a minute to unplug and recharge. And that’s kind of my thing with barbecue. But the thing about barbecue for me is it’s just something I enjoy and it’s, it’s, it’s something that tomorrow if you’re in the Dallas area, join me at Haim Barbecue. So tomorrow we’re going to hime barbecue and Fort Worth. They’ve got a new store on the river, they’ve got their old store and the riverfront district, but now they’ve got this like cool store on a river that I’ve never been to.
So I just hopped in the business and barbecue Facebook page, posted a meet need and said, hey, if you’re available, come join me. Meet me up at 11 o’clock on Thursday and you know, there’s things I need to do. There are things that I could do tomorrow that will be more productive than driving to fort worth. Now I’ve planned my day around that. I’ve made sure I’ve be looking at a house in Irving and then grand prairie, and then I’m going to fort worth and I’m looping back around. Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to be productive, but it’s just something I’ve wanted to do and I just decided to do it. So, and I’m meeting other like minded people. I’m meeting people in the business and barbecue Facebook page. So think about it. Well tomorrow I’m going to be around people that want to network and be positive.
Tomorrow I’m going to be around people that are likeminded that like business and high barbecue, right? And I’m going to be unplugging and just chilling out a little bit because it’s just, that’s a place I’m wanting to go there. I love it, and I’m going to bring my kids back some food. It’s going to be a great day. So, and that’s on a Thursday, right? I’m not saying you got to unfold on Sunday because that’s his habit. Like, look, your thing is your thing. For me, barbecue is this detachment from my stress. It’s something I love. It’s something I enjoy and it’s really what barbecue is always been in this journey for the last eight to 10 months. It’s a metaphor for life. It’s a metaphor for having more of what you want when you want it, not living for someday, like living for now. So that’s all I have today. I’m glad everybody listened. Until next time, keep cooking.
We want to hear from you until next time.
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