How many times a day do you say that to yourself? It’s actually two questions, I guess.
I Wish I Could
This statement, is a way we’ve been taught to give up on our dreams. In the all-time great book, Think and Grow Rich, it is discussed you must believe and envision your dreams and destiny. To me, this is so true. You really need to taste the sweet success or freedom you strive for. In my opinion, when you allow yourself to say things like that, all you do is set yourself up with an excuse. It’s almost acknowledging you will not even try to obtain your dreams aloud. Try saying, When I Do, or I Will ______ (insert actual date/timeline). This subtle change can lead to massive differences in short periods of time.
I Can’t
This is a phrase that should be eradicated from existence. The mere utterance of this phrase stops all progress. It is an acceptance and admittance of failure. I will not let my kids use it. Most of us tell our children over and over that they can do anything they set their minds to, and then we get in our car on the way to work and start telling ourselves all the things we can’t do. It must stop now. Just stop it. You can, and you will, if you believe in yourself and the outcome you desire.
I’m Having Trouble or I Need Help
As an adult, these phrases can be hard to use. All too often, our ego and pride get in the way. i highly recommend you immediately substitute the phrase I can’t with one of them in your daily vocabulary. This is what I’ve always taught my boys. The bottom line is “Can’t Never Could”.
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