Kevin writes: Do you know if hedge funds are hiring?
Welcome to the real investing show with Tim Herriage each day, we’ll provide real investing for everyday investors. Tim is a nationally recognized real estate investing expert podcast, host and public speaker. He built his businesses from the ground up and is here to help you do the same. Here is your host Tim Herriage.
Welcome back to real investing. My name is Tim Herriage. Thank you so much for stopping by today. Today. We’ve got an interesting question from Kevin. Kevin writes, do you know if hedge funds are hiring? Uh, yeah, I know. And yes they are, but I would imagine you are referring to the, I buyers, the institutional buyers, the everybody calls it Blackstone, but it was in it, it wasn’t, it was invitation homes, which was backed by Blackstone. Now Blackstone’s all the way out of it, but I’d imagine you’re talking about the large institutional buyers that are buying like progress, residential pathway homes. Uh Tricon et cetera. Yes, they are hiring now too many people have a lot of real estate experience and think they can just walk into these places and, uh, get the top dog jobs, so to speak. Um, and it doesn’t work that way.
The, these, these institutions, these hedge funds, uh, they, they they’re much more analytical than the average real estate investor. I tell. I would tell anyone listening that is, that is young in the business that would like to get a start in the business. I think this is a great thing to go do. Um, if you know my story, you know that my first two years in the business, I was an employee, right? I mean, I got to learn with other people’s money. I got to learn watching wisdom guide the decisions versus education. And I’m a huge fan of both, but after 20 something years in this business, uh, I lean towards wisdom. <laugh> over, uh, something that you read in a book or see online. So for me, I think it’s a great idea, Kevin, I’m glad you’re asking that question. If you’re thinking about getting into this business or you want to grow your skillset, and frankly, there’s a lot of investors out there that are chugging along making a hundred grand a year, uh, that are always chasing the prize that I think could really benefit from going to work with some of these institutions.
I, I, I’m telling you my time at B2 R finance from 2013 through 20 16, 15 ish. It, I learned so much. It was amazing how much, I didn’t know. And not that I didn’t know about flipping houses in Dallas, right? It was amazing how much I didn’t know about finance. It was amazing how much I didn’t know about macroeconomic influences. It was amazing how much, I didn’t know about interest rates. It was amazing how much I didn’t know about running a business about being a good leader right there. So <laugh> when you get involved in a large active company like that, that is doing what we all aspire to do at a low level. Like in doing it at such scale, you will pick up so much, your learning curve will be so much shorter than the person that gets out there and tries to do it on their own.
So, yeah, Kevin, uh, they are hiring, um, but just know don’t go look for BlackRock because number one, they’ve never bought a single house. Don’t go look for Blackstone because the, the Blackstone’s a private equity company that gives money to these businesses like invitation homes or like B2R finance, uh, find out the actual name of the company, purchasing Roofstock, uh, progress, residential Tricon main street, renewal, uh, invitation homes, progress, residential, all these companies, and then just go to their website. They’ve all got a career section. They’ve all got a big HR department. Many of ’em have remote positions open. Some of them have field positions open. I think it’s a great idea. So Kevin, great question way to go. Thank you for putting yourself out there and uh, asking it if you’re out there and you’ve got questions about real estate, real estate, investment finance, heck even being a leader, just pop on over to, Ihavelunchmoney.com, fill out the form and I’ll do my best to answer everything that comes in. So thank you for spending time with me. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Thank you for hanging out with us today on real investing. If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please visit. Ihavelunchmoney.com. Tim. Can’t wait to hear from you. We’re always grateful for your reviews. And if you enjoy this episode, please subscribe and share it with your friends. Remember the business is the vehicle, not the dream. See you. Next time. The proceeding program is provided for general education purposes only and does not constitute legal tax, financial investment or other professional advice. No information contained in this program should be construed as financial investment or legal advice from any individual author of post or guest. You should always consult a financial advisor before investing.

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